VAT Domestic Reverse Charge | Webinar

VAT Event: Description

The Domestic Reverse Charge is going to involve a major change to invoicing and bookkeeping for many construction businesses and will impact the cash flow of many sub-contractors.  Be up to date with the changes happening on 1 March 2021, join this free webinar to learn how to handle and pay VAT after these changes occur.

VAT Event: Summary

FREE webinar on Zoom from 12:00-1:00 pm on Tuesday 23rd February.

The event will be covering how the new tax changes will impact building and construction services in terms of bookkeeping, budgeting and cash flow management.

  1. Do you pay sub-contractors or receive payments for construction work under the Construction Industry Scheme (CIS)?
  2. Are you registered for VAT? 

If this sounds like it’ll effect you, ask yourself these questions;

  • Do you know which customers and which types of work will be affected by the new rules? 
  • How does the 5% disregard work?
  • Do you need to leave the Flat Rate or Cash Accounting schemes (answer: probably!)? 
  • Is your invoicing and bookkeeping system or software ready for the change? 
  • Did you know that the new rules could apply to work started before 1 March?

Find out how Domestic Reverse Charge will impact your building and construction business with our team of experts.

Hosts of the events, Dawn Wright and Arabella Browne


Dawn Wright

  • Will be covering what the new changes are, how it will affect your business and practical real examples you will face after the 1st of March regarding bookkeeping and invoicing.
  • How will the changes affect your cashflow?
  • How to prepare your business after the changes.

Arabella Browne

  • Live demonstration on how Sage, Xero, and Quickbooks will handle Reverse Charge transactions.
  • How to keep VAT records using automated software.
  • How to keep VAT records manually with excel type tables.

Questions & Answers

Live questions and answers section at the end of the presentation, this will be a chance to get your questions answered by Burton Sweet Accounts & Tax Manager, and Bookkeeper & cloud accounting Manager with any questions relating to VAT Domestic Reverse Charge changes and how we can help your business forecast, budget and plan ahead.

Everyone who books will receive a copy of the slides and notes, and a link to a recording of the webinar afterwards to use for future reference.

Useful information for VAT Domestic Reverse Charge | Webinar