Summer Charity Catch-up

Online meeting
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Join us for our online Charity Catch-up as we unpack the central focus for all charities – their purpose. Understanding yours and letting this guide all your activities is fundamental. We’ll also be exploring the often-overlooked ‘Gift Aid on Small Donations Scheme;’ are you missing out on this benefit?’

This event will take place live on Zoom and we’ll be exploring key aspects, including:

  • Legal fundamentals
  • How can you understand it?
  • What are you doing to pursue your purpose?
  • Being effective within the boundaries
  • What is it and what are the benefits?
  • Can you use it and is it worth the effort?
  • Getting it right – Navigating the conditions

This will be followed by the opportunity to ask our charity experts your questions.

Please share this event with any colleagues or associates you think might benefit from its content.

We hope to see you there…

Useful information for Summer Charity Catch-up