In 2024, there’ll be significant activity and change in both the local and national political sphere. Upcoming elections will be accompanied by debate on public policy and charities have a role in speaking up for the good of the causes they pursue.
Join us for our first Charity Catch-up of 2024, as we address how your charity can exercise appropriate and effective influence. We’ll also be considering how charities can prioritise good financial health in the year ahead.
This event will take place live on Zoom and we’ll be exploring key aspects and latest developments, including:
+ Charities engaging in public debate
– Understanding how this is relevant to what you do
– Balancing politics and purposes
– New Campaigner Code – Your policy discussions around elections
– How we can be respectful and tolerant, but also effective
+ Giving priority to your charity’s financial health in 2024
– Building resilience through sound financial management
– Know your income streams and plan well
– The opportunities and threats for Gift Aid income
+ Recent news and updates
This will be followed by the opportunity to ask our charity experts your questions.