In the current social, economic and political climate it’s more important than ever that charities act ethically.
Is legacy fundraising (donation of a person’s estate via a will or trusts) something your charity should be thinking more pro-actively about?
How are you funding your charitable activities? Read our 5 essentials to ensure your grant application is concise, purposeful and successful.
For charities, public debate, campaigning and political activity must remain independent, impartial and in line with their key purposes.
The Charity Resilience Index, indicates how charities are navigating the current climate with regard to income, demand and operating costs.
With a rise in charity related fraud cases, organisations should be prepared for potential dangers and take steps to mitigate risks.
Read our summary of some of the key changes that will affect charities and civil society organisations in the 2023 Autumn Statement.
The Charities Aid Foundation has recently published its latest World Giving Index to identify geographical trends in public generosity.
As a charity, keeping good accounting records is at the heart of both excellence in public accountability and effective decision making.
Read our summary of the NCVO’s UK Civil Society Almanac 2023, sharing the latest data on the voluntary sector’s size, finances and people.
It can sometimes be good to brush up on the facts to ensure that you’re abreast of charity regulations and recent developments. The Charity
This article covers some of the key misconceptions the public have about how charities manage their finances and help clarify the facts.