Preparing your own will, or using an unregulated writer may be the cheaper option, but these approaches can present a number of issues…
As a charity, keeping good accounting records is at the heart of both excellence in public accountability and effective decision making.
Here are the tax implications relevant to providing a gift/event to best please your employees, whilst also being financially sensible.
Many parents and carers will be feeling the squeeze in the cost-of-living crisis. Here are some things you may wish to consider…
This article covers some of the key misconceptions the public have about how charities manage their finances and help clarify the facts.
Whilst marriages and civil partnerships are about love and finding your life partner, it’s worth being aware of the tax implications involved. It’s not all roses. This article specifically outlines some of the affects on Inheritance Tax that are associated with these legal partnerships.
If you’re considering using a piece of cloud-based accounting software, such as Xero, QuickBooks, or Sage, then it’s important you understand what each option can offer you. What follows are some worthwhile considerations…
Have you increased the value of your goods, supplies or labour, to maintain your profit margins? If so, and you are not already registered for VAT, you will need to keep a close eye on your turnover. You might go over the VAT threshold without realising it.
In an attempt to slow price rises, the Bank of England has increased interest rates for the thirteenth consecutive time to 5%, the highest in almost 15 years.
Under charity law, a charity’s funds are either income funds or capital funds, and are either restricted or unrestricted. Knowing what nature of resources you have and what this means for how you can use them is essential for making the most of what they can achieve.
Having effective internal financial controls is vitally important for charities of all shapes and sizes. Putting meaningful checks and procedures in place will help ensure trustees protect their charity’s assets and finances, as well as enhancing the quality of their decision making, as they seek to put those assets to work for the public benefit.
Offering benefits to your employees has a number of advantages. If you’re deciding whether you could be providing them, consider these potential positives…