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The rules for individuals providing services to the public sector via an intermediary such as a personal service company (PSC) changed from April 2017. The rules, known as off-payroll working rules shift the responsibility for deciding whether the

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HMRC expects that taxpayers take ‘reasonable care’ over their tax affairs and do everything reasonably within their power to ensure that tax returns and other relevant documents are accurate.
There is no legal definition of reasonable care from a

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The new requirement to correct (RTC) legislation was introduced by the Finance (No.2) Act 2017. The legislation created a new statutory obligation for taxpayers with undeclared UK tax liabilities that involve offshore matters to disclose any relevant

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Capital allowances is the term used to describe the tax relief businesses can claim on certain capital expenditure and thereby reduce the amount of taxable profits. Most ‘capital’ items, such as equipment, vehicles, machinery etc last for a

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A special employment history request can be submitted by taxpayers for those needing to make a claim for compensation. The form is usually used for claims relating to industrial injuries, road traffic accidents, medical negligence and hardship.

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When your partner gives birth or when you adopt a child or have a baby by surrogate, you may be entitled to 1 or 2 weeks paternity leave and paternity pay. You are also entitled to take a small amount of unpaid time off work before the baby is born

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There are special rules in place when a limited company gives to a charity. This can include Corporation Tax relief for certain donations made to registered charities or community amateur sports club (CASC) as well as capital allowances for giving

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As a general rule there is no CGT payable on the disposal of a property which has been used as the main family residence. Conversely, an investment property which has never been used will not qualify for relief. This relief from CGT is commonly known

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The self-employed are often concerned regarding expenses they can claim. In this article, we will briefly look at the rules for claiming expenses relating to office, property and equipment. You cannot claim for any non-business use of premises,

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A recent investigation by the Insolvency Service has seen two married restaurant directors disqualified for a total of 5 years each. The Directors of Gambino Fish Ltd trading as Quality Fish, were the subject of an in-depth investigation by HMRC.

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Following the written ministerial statement published in November 2017 announcing the proposed new rates for statutory maternity pay (SMP), statutory adoption pay (SAP), statutory paternity pay (SPP), statutory shared parental pay (ShPP) and

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From 17 January 2018, individuals who need to obtain a basic disclosure check for a job in England and Wales should apply to the Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS), not to Disclosure Scotland. The DBS now provides the service for England and Wales.

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