Whilst the majority of businesses charge VAT at the standard rate of 20% there are a number of different VAT rates and exemptions that businesses should be aware. There are actually three separate VAT rates, the standard rate of 20%, the reduced rate
[et_pb_section bb_built=”1″][et_pb_row][et_pb_column type=”4_4″][et_pb_text admin_label=”Fortnight” _builder_version=”3.0.106″ background_layout=”light”] Burton Sweet are running a fortnight of Exit Planning and Business Valuation advice from Monday 21st May –
The Construction Industry Scheme (CIS) is a set of special rules for tax and national insurance for those working in the construction industry. Businesses in the construction industry are known as ‘contractors’ and ‘subcontractors’. Under the scheme,
The employment allowance of £3,000 per year is available to most businesses and charities to be offset against their employers Class 1 NIC bill. The allowance can be claimed as part of the normal payroll process using either HMRC’s Basic PAYE Tools
The Non-resident landlord (NRL) scheme is a special scheme for the UK rental income of non-resident landlords. This includes companies or trustees whose ‘usual place of abode’ is outside the UK. HMRC classifies a person living abroad for 6 months or
Landlords that receive letting income should notify HMRC by 5 October after the end of the tax year for which you start to receive that income. So, for the 2017-18 tax year that has just ended, HMRC needs to be notified by 5 October 2018 of any
The Married Couple’s Allowance (MCA) is available to elderly married couples or those in a civil partnership, where at least one member of the couple were born before 6 April 1935 (i.e. at least 83 years old). The allowance provides for tax relief by
The settlements legislation is contained in s.624 ITTOIA 2005. The legislation seeks to ensure that where a settlor has retained an interest in property, in a settlement, that the income arising is treated as the settlor’s income for tax purposes. A
The President of the Employment Tribunals (England and Wales) and the President of the Employment Tribunals (Scotland) have issued updated joint Presidential Guidance in relation to the so-called “Vento bands” for compensation for injury to feelings
The Finance Bill 2017-18 officially known as Finance (No.2) Bill 2017-19, received Royal Assent on 15 March 2018 following agreement by both Houses. The Bill is now an Act of Parliament to be called the Finance Act 2018. The Act contains the
One important aspect of a self-catering or holiday let business that should not be overlooked, is whether or not the owner of a holiday let is liable to pay business rates. Business rates are charged on non-domestic properties and help councils and
A summary of the Spring Statement will be added later today.