The assessment of self-employed or partnerships profits is usually relatively straight-forward if the accounting date, to which accounts are prepared annually, falls between 31 March and 5 April. However, overlap profits can arise where a business
Investment clubs are loosely defined as a group of people who get together to buy and sell shares on the stock market with a view to making a profit. An investment club does not have any special legal status and usually operates as a kind of informal
The Inheritance Tax rules can be difficult to fathom when an expat or another person with connections to the UK living outside the country dies. The liability to Inheritance Tax in the UK depends primarily on the domicile of the deceased. If the
The coding threshold entitles taxpayers to have tax underpayments collected via their tax code, provided they are in employment or in receipt of a UK-based pension. The coding process applies to certain debts such as Self-Assessment liabilities, tax
Advisory fuel rates are intended to reflect actual average fuel costs and are updated quarterly. The rates can be used by employers who reimburse employees for business travel in their company cars or where employees are required to repay the cost of
It is important to understand how Capital Gains Tax (CGT) works when someone dies, and more importantly how this affects the computation of gains and losses by those who have inherited an asset as well as the personal representatives (such as
The Gigabit Broadband Voucher Scheme was launched in March this year to help small businesses and local communities connect and gain access to full fibre superfast broadband speeds. The vouchers can be used by small businesses and the local
The Living Wage Foundation (an initiative of Citizens UK) recently announced Living Wage rates for London and the UK at £10.55 an hour and £9 an hour respectively. These Living Wage rates are not statutorily binding but represent an increase of 25p
The Chancellor has confirmed that from 2019-20 the personal allowance will increase to £12,500 (an increase from the current £11,850 allowance) and the basic rate limit to £37,500. As a result, the higher rate threshold will increase to £50,000 from
Autumn Budget 2018
The Prime Minister announced at the Conservative Party conference that the end of austerity was in sight. Recent tax revenues have exceeded expectations, and although there was an expectation that these declarations and
Under certain circumstances, taxpayers can apply to HMRC for clearance or approval for a specific transaction. This can help give certainty about how a proposed transaction will be treated. Of course, there are numerous caveats to seeking clearance
The Inheritance Tax main residence nil-rate band (RNRB) came into effect on 6 April 2017. The RNRB is a transferable allowance for married couples and civil partners (per person) when their main residence is passed down to a direct descendent, such