The UK government provides some significant Tax incentives for companies undertaking research and development work (R&D). Many companies, particularly small ones, have no idea
The Let Property Campaign provides landlords who have undeclared income from residential property lettings in the UK or abroad with an opportunity to regularise their affairs by disclosing any outstanding liabilities, whether due to misunderstanding
There is a free tracing service called ‘mylostaccount’ to find lost bank accounts. The service brings together the three tracing schemes of the British Bankers’ Association (BBA), the Building Societies Association (BSA) and National Savings and
Limited Liability Partnerships (LLPs) retain the flexibility of a partnership with the added advantage that a partners personal liability is limited. At least two members must be ‘designated members’ and the law places extra responsibilities on
There are special rules that need to be taken into account if you employ an au pair in your home. This is because au pairs are not usually considered as workers or employees and are not entitled to the National Minimum Wage or paid holidays.
An au
1 April 2019 – Due date for Corporation Tax due for the year ended 30 June 2018.
19 April 2019 – PAYE and NIC deductions due for month ended 5 April 2019. (If you pay your tax electronically the due date is 22 April 2019)
19 April 2019 – Filing
In a letter being sent to businesses across the country, HMRC has published the following information on the effect a no-deal Brexit would have on changes to VAT IT systems.
We have reproduced below a summary from the letter of the main
According to HMRC’s published guidance there are special rules for the taxation of post-cessation receipts and expenses. These provisions apply to professions, vocations and trades.
Tax relief may be available for post-cessation expenses of a trade,
The Help to Save scheme for people on low incomes was officially launched in September 2018 and since then over 80,000 people have signed up. The scheme allows those in work entitled to Working Tax Credit and in receipt of Working Tax Credits or
Advisory fuel rates are intended to reflect actual average fuel costs and are updated quarterly. The rates can be used by employers who reimburse employees for business travel in their company cars or where employees are required to repay the cost of
The Finance (No.3) Bill 2017-19 received Royal Assent (later than originally planned) on 12 February 2019 following agreement by both Houses on the text of the Bill. The Bill is now an Act of Parliament known as Finance Act 2019. The Act contains the
After the end of its financial year, a private limited company must prepare full annual accounts and a company tax return. The deadline for filing the first set of accounts with Companies House is 21 months after the date the company was registered