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There is a special scheme known as the enhanced capital allowances (ECA) scheme for energy-saving technologies. The ECA scheme enables a business to claim accelerated tax relief 100% first year allowances (FYA) on qualifying energy efficient and

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The meaning of goodwill for CGT purposes is complex. The term 'goodwill' is rarely mentioned in legislation and there is no definition of 'goodwill' for the purposes of Capital Gains legislation.

In fact, most definitions of goodwill

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The transfer of a business as a going concern (TOGC) rules cover the VAT implications when a business is sold. Normally the sale of the assets of a VAT registered or VAT registerable business will be subject to VAT at the appropriate rate.

Where the

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When you employ someone to work in your home, it is your responsibility to meet the employee's rights and deduct the correct amount of tax from their salary. This can include employees such as a nanny, housekeeper, gardener or carer. The rules

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You can have tax underpayments collected via an adjustment to your PAYE tax code, provided you are in employment or in receipt of a UK-based pension. The coding adjustment applies to certain debts such as Self-Assessment liabilities, tax credit

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A Close Company is broadly defined as a company that is controlled by:

five or fewer participators or
any number of participators who are also directors or
where more than half the assets of which would be distributed to five or fewer

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The Scottish rate of Income Tax (SRIT) commenced on 6 April 2016 and is administered by HMRC on behalf of the Scottish Government. The SRIT is payable on the non-savings and non-dividend income of those defined as Scottish taxpayers. This means that

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A UK patent is granted under the laws of the UK, usually, by the UK Intellectual Property Office. Obtaining a patent can be a difficult and expensive endeavour. A patent only protects an invention in the country where the patent is registered, and so

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The VAT paid in other EU countries is often recoverable by VAT-registered businesses in the UK, who bought goods or services for business use. The exact rules that govern what VAT is refundable depends on the other countries rules for claiming input

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Businesses that use the flat rate scheme pay VAT as a fixed percentage of their VAT inclusive turnover. The VAT agricultural flat rate scheme is a variant of the flat rate scheme specifically designed for farmers and other activities relating to

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The 2018-19 tax return deadline for taxpayers who continue to submit paper Self-Assessment returns is 31 October 2019. Late submission of a Self-Assessment return will become liable to a £100 late filing penalty. The penalty usually applies

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There is a significant amount of information that can be obtained from Companies House. Companies House is responsible for incorporating and dissolving limited companies, examining and storing company information and making company information

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