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Limited Companies

An Employee Car Ownership Scheme (ECOS) is a set of arrangements whereby employees acquire cars from a specified, often single source and within a specified financing framework. The use of an ECOS can effectively be seen as a halfway measure between

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Limited CompaniesSole Traders & Partnerships

Advisory fuel rates are intended to reflect actual average fuel costs and are updated quarterly. The rates can be used by employers who reimburse employees for business travel in their company cars or where employees are required to repay the cost of

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Limited CompaniesSole Traders & Partnerships

Many retailers and manufacturing businesses have stock on their shelves gathering dust.

There are compelling reasons for tackling this issue as we cautiously emerge from lock-down.

For example, freeing up storage space will enable you increase the

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Limited Companies

Company directors and other eligible people such as company secretaries, people with significant control (PSC) and LLP members can apply to remove their personal addresses from the UK’s official company register on Companies House.


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IndividualsLimited Companies

If you lost your job after 28 February 2020, your previous employer could have agreed to re-hire you and then place you on furlough. However, there is no compulsion on the part of your ex-employer to do this and many firms have been reluctant to make

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If you are self-employed and qualify for the Self-employment Income Support Scheme you will receive a cash grant from HMRC based on 80% of profits, up to £2,500 per month. The initial grant will be for the three months, from 1 March through to

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A free HMRC tax app is available and offers some useful functionality. The app has recently been updated.

The APP can be used to see:

your tax code and National Insurance number
an estimate of the tax you need to pay
your income and

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Under the Coronavirus Statutory Sick Pay Rebate Scheme, small-and medium-sized businesses and employers will be able to reclaim Statutory Sick Pay (SSP) paid for sickness absence due to COVID-19. The online service to reclaim SSP is not available

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The government has announced that more than 1,000 fishing and aquaculture businesses in England will receive direct cash grants through a new fisheries support scheme.

The scheme will make available grants of up to £9 million for eligible

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If you had a student loan and have finished your studies and entered the workforce you must begin to make loan repayments from the April after you have finished your studies or when your income begins to exceed the annual threshold. The annual

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New workplace rights to paid leave for bereaved parents came into effect on 6 April 2020. The new law has been welcomed by charities helping bereaved parents to cope with losing a child.

The new allowance gives employed parents the right to claim

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The R40 form Claim for repayment of tax deducted from savings and investments is available on the GOV.UK website. Individuals who have paid too much tax on interest can use the R40 form to claim back any overpaid tax. The form and associated guidance

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